
Saturday, May 4, 2013

pool test kit instructions

pool test kit instructions how to test pool water ?, Some days we forget already discussed the same theme, namely how to test alkalinity, but in the last discussion we use a test kit to determine the content of alkalinity in swimming pools. But at this time we will discuss how easy and inexpensive to test alkalinity pool. This can be done without using a test kit, for those of you all who do not have a test kit should not be too concerned to know the content and alkalinity pool

pool test kit instructions
how to test pool water

 In a test with low alkalinity and easy we only use chemical terusi, if you already know? if not yet know about terusi here. Before proceedings in the work we should understand in advance whether the alkalinity, if you do not know see here. Let us prepare the equipment and materials used to perform this work, a bucket and a kilogram terusi.

  The first step is taking a bucket that had been prepared earlier and then enter 10 liters of water and 1 kg terusi input into the bucket of water. Use the mixer is made apart from the metal, and stir until all mixed depleted soluble in water. Terusi already dissolved in the water will look donker blue / dark blue, do not rush to use let sit for approximately 1-2 hours for all the remaining dirt or terusi can precipitate insoluble in advance.

The second step is to test alkalinity easily and cheaply, after we had set up terusi terusi dense liquid. Furthermore terusi take liquid by about 3 liters by using a small bucket then input into the deepest pool. Wait for some time about 30 seconds to 1 minute see color terusi that entered into the pool of water that was originally blue is white like a cloud when your pool alkalinity content of normal, but will remain bluish white when you pool alkalinity content of less normal .

If color change does not happen then you need to add chemicals to the pool alkalinity pool you. Give the addition of alkalinity in accordance with the size of your pool, giving the appropriate dose is highly recommended that mengeluakan not so much cost. Chemical addition of alkalinity to raise the total alkalinity of the pool water circulation with an engine positioning, aims to accelerate the dissolution of the chemical constituents equally.
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